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Phone Calls

You can make a phone call
to the health worker of your choice.

Sending Messages

Here we provide both real time messages and normal short messages(SMS)
including sending audio, videos, pictures Describing your health status

Appointments Scheduling

You can as well schedule appointment to
Health worker of your choice.


The application reminds you for
any appointment made.

How Mobicare Works

Mobicare is a mobile phone based application that fetches and sync informations of the health workers from the web server
This health workers who are license are registered by Mobicare team.
"On launching the mobile app, you need to select the region, district,
health facility, category of the health worker and you will be provided with the health worker
where by to have a choice of making a phone call, sending messages or scheduling appointment."


To create complete awareness of individual health status, by expanding our services through out African Continent.


To provides appropriate medical consultation in a more convenient and cost effective way.

Our Goal

To fill the knowledge gap of who to consult, and where to go for consultation, cutting down unnecessary travel expenses and strengthening emergency systems at hospitals in low resource settings.